Bertsch Susanne (44)

† 13.08.2014

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Bertsch Susanne


† 13.08.2014


Kat, I was there and saw you up close and personal. You lkeood as if you might cry, or wet your pants. You also were treated pretty well, until you hollered out White power! as if you were some toddler who realized Gee, I better do something REALLY STUPID, and REALLY LOUD, REALLY FAST if I want attention! It was pretty obvious that the cops took you away for your own safety, lest someone get fed up with your racial slurs you were yelling at the crowd (who merely wanted to know why you became a self evident hate monger) and decide to shut your mouth. The good part, is that Kat is at this web site, take some time to read and understand the appreciation for others and try for a short while to shut out the hate youre being brainwashed with. The interesting thing to me, is that if Kat truly released her hatred she has been brainwashed with, that the people here would embrace her and I doubt she would be treated as favourably by her comerades who love the 50 on 1 ratio but theirs ends with someone being attacked because theyre DIFFERENT. I genuinely wish the best for Kat, that she sees an understanding and appreciation for others, she is young and have the ability to turn much of her life around and not stare backwards at a lifetime of hate and regret.

Geschrieben am 03.11.2020 um 19:40
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